And sin was born

HE stood at the edge.


Lucifer would come to HIS side.

This moment and everything before and after it was like an undulating mist in time. Nevertheless this moment had to be marked. Significant as it was. is. will be.

HE loved Lucifer. Loved him as purely as love itself.

This definitive moment would change everything. Make everything meaningful. And the change called for a being who understood the burden in its entirety. Its implications. Its weight.

The change called for Implicit Obedience.

In the distant future HE saw HIMSELF praying the night before, in the garden. Praying and knowing that it was on the cross that his teachings would truly begin.


Not a rustle and Lucifer is by HIS side. His brightness, blinding. Only to be overshadowed by HIM. They spoke in music and silence. Haunting clarity and finality rang through the exchange.

Trembling  in the presence of these two mighty beings were the glow of Love and Trust, Honour and Wisdom.


“YOU want me to fall”

“Yes, Lucifer”

Lucifer whispered, “YOU will not forget me, Lord”

HIS light glimmered.


 Every single moment for sometime in eternity, I will be battling you

And when evil ends, you will return

But now you fall”

And he fell

Tilting his beautiful, angelic face to look up at his Lord one last time, Lucifer in that moment was the most trusted archangel that ever was and will be.

He had already begun falling and landed amidst the dust and green of earth.

And sin was born.


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